Many people begin to get anxious before going to a social event. Wondering who’s going to be there, what they’re going to say, and if…
Search Results for: aa
Despite what members may claim, the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship isn’t necessarily for everyone. But the group boasts an effective guide for recovery that has helped…
Alcoholics Anonymous offers help for people seeking respite from substance abuse. Its active members proudly tout the effectiveness of group’s teachings. Despite lack of hard…
Statistically, your personality type doesn’t have much bearing on whether you’ll be an addict or alcoholic. Introverts and extroverts experience problems with substance abuse across…
If you’ve considered joining Alcoholics Anonymous and using the 12 Steps as a part of your recovery, then you’ve probably had a moment of realization…
Wait a year before you indulge in a romantic partner. You hear that a lot from AA, your sponsor and where you were in recovery. Focusing…
AA meetings play an important role in recovery because they offer physical and emotional support. A lot of people have a positive outlook on AA…
“CPS is here. They’re going to take the kids!” These are the words I slurred into the phone to my ex-husband as Child Protective Services…
What are some of your favorite past times? I’ll tell you what’s not going to be on that list . . . sitting down and…
If you’ve never been to an AA meeting before, it can be a really scary or weird transition. You might have heard what to expect…