We all crave vacations, road trips, parties, music festivals, cold beers in the sand, and the high of Summer life. But the Summer life is a little more challenging for people in sobriety. Staying sober should be everyone’s priority in recovery, and that remains true even in Summer. So what should you do if someone offers you a beer? Here are 5 tips.
5 Tips for Your Summer:
1. Plan for the Summer Holidays
There will be weddings, BBQs, graduation parties, and 4th of July. Plan ahead and don’t be afraid to say no to an invitation. If you do decide to partake in the celebration, make sure you have an excuse to escape if things get uncomfortable.
2. Be Patient with your Family
Summer usually means your kids are off from school and trashing the house.
You might be more annoyed and impatient with them, but don’t let them drown you. Be patient and make time for your sobriety. Ask for help, call your sober friends, get advice from other sober parents and make the best of the situation. It might not be easy, but with the resources from your meetings and friends, you’ll be able to remain sane and sober with your children.
You might be more annoyed and impatient with them, but don’t let them drown you. Be patient and make time for your sobriety. Ask for help, call your sober friends, get advice from other sober parents and make the best of the situation. It might not be easy, but with the resources from your meetings and friends, you’ll be able to remain sane and sober with your children.
3. Continue Your Routine
I know it’s Summer and you just want to travel and do fun stuff, but it’s encouraged to stick with your recovery routine. That means, if you usually go to AA every Wednesday and Friday night, don’t miss those meetings to do something else. Disturbing your recovery routine might interfere more than you’d think, and it could end up in relapsing. Stick with what’s working for you.
4. Fulfill Your Summer with Fun Activities
Go out and have fun. There are so many things to do in the Summer, and you shouldn’t be caved in the house because you’re scared or triggered. Temptations will happen regardless of what you do, as it’s part of the recovery process. But you need to be stronger than that and push through. Read our summer temptations blog to learn ways to surpass temptations.
5. Donate Your Time to Help a Business
If there’s a business or non-profit company you love shopping at or going to, see if they need help. Volunteering at a business helps you learn a lot because you learn what the business does and how to make it stronger. You’ll have the opportunity to meet a lot of professionals so you have connections for future jobs. It’s also a really great way to give back to the community and meet people.