In your sobriety, your #1 goal should always be to work on yourself. Part of working on yourself is going to therapy, meetings, exercising and your…
AA meetings play an important role in recovery because they offer physical and emotional support. A lot of people have a positive outlook on AA…
Okay, admit it… “Jersey Shore” used to be your guilty pleasure. Don’t worry; we’re not judging you. Everyone loves a little trash TV once in…
We all have those nights where the neighbors are too loud or anxiety over a morning work meeting keeps us awake. Sleepless nights aren’t an…
Addiction isn’t a containable disease. It doesn’t just affect a single person and continue to stay focused and contained on that one, misfortunate individual. It…
If someone says they have an addiction problem, it can mean many things. Are they addicted to drugs? Alcohol? Gambling? Sex? What are the differences…
We’ve learned to become wary of drugs and alcohol because of the dangerous and dark grasp of addiction. And while addiction is harmful enough on…
Believe it or not, treatment doesn’t just have to be you and a therapist on uncomfortable chairs in a stuffy, stale room. We completely agree…
There are many controversial opinions about smoking marijuana as a recovering addict. Is it okay to do? Will it make me relapse into my drug…
“CPS is here. They’re going to take the kids!” These are the words I slurred into the phone to my ex-husband as Child Protective Services…