I wouldn’t be sober if it wasn’t for _____. For thousands of people, that blank would immediately be filled with the 12 Steps. While the…
Looking for addiction treatment can be scary, stressful, and expensive. You know you need rehab, but you’re not sure what that really means or how…
No one likes laying in bed for hours, feeling tired but unable to fall asleep. With each hour that passes, the frustration increases as you…
So you’ve finally made the decision to get help — or at least came to the realization that you might need help. Admitting there’s a…
When you see someone in a full-blown addiction, it’s easy to disassociate. On your drive home from work, you pass by a homeless man sleeping…
Empathy and empowerment. These are things we preach about daily but still fatally struggle with, especially when considering those who suffer from mental illness and…
If you’ve put any bit of attention into the news lately, you’ve undoubtedly seen the distressing headlines about a mysterious vaping illness. Vapes used to…
Ask any parent what they think about parenting and almost every single one of them will say it’s rewarding and their greatest accomplishment. But parenting…
Addiction derails your life. There’s no way around it. And we’re not talking about an unexpected flat tire or running out of gas. Addiction is…
Love is blinding — especially when it comes to your child. Children are seen as a parent’s greatest accomplishment, and virtually every parent will have…