People can’t wait to turn 21 so they can whip out their ID to buy alcohol and get CRUNK! Some people start drinking at an even younger age. We binge drink all the time, go out to parties, have a glass or two after work, or a beer on the weekends. But where’s the fine line between casually drinking to wind down, and the excessive drinking found among alcoholics?
Are You…
Even if you’re only doing a couple things from the list above, you could have a drinking problem. And I’m sure you don’t want to hear that, or you’re thinking I’m wrong, but high bottom drunks are still alcoholics. If you’re still going to work, or taking full on responsibilities while you countinuously drink, it still means you have a drinking problem.
Casually Drinking

I totally understand the feeling to drink. It’s a natural feeling, and on those long work days, all you can think about is pouring a glass of wine for yourself. But if you feel like drinking a little more than you should on a regular basis, it’s okay to ask for help.