“If there’s anything I learned after experiencing date rape drugs, is that it can happen to anyone at any time.“
I was 20 when I heard my older sister call my mom. They start talking for a few minutes and then my sister finally admits, “I’ve had a few months to recover from this horror, but I figured I should let you know that I was roofied.”
It’s not something that should be taken lightly. It’s a very real, scary and dangerous situation to be in. And you have no control over it because once you’re drugged, you’re in it for the long run.
“I had two beers at a karaoke bar and that’s when I started acting strangely.”
My sister said she felt confused and not like herself. The dancing queen, karaoke singing master had left her body and she was left with emptiness and disorientation.

My sister is this happy, outgoing and energetic girl. She’s good at out-dancing the entire bar and getting kicked out of bars that don’t allow her to dance. So, for her to act numb and silent after only 2 beers, something must have been wrong.
The entire night disappeared from my sister. It wasn’t long until my sisters’ friends got her a cab ride home. They all just thought she was really drunk, and the bouncer helped them get her into the cab car.
10 minutes later, she strangely made it back to the bar she was just at. Her friends were confused, my sister was lost, and they went to call for another cab.
“It was a really strange and scary night.“
Almost home, my sister starts waking up from this disastrous night. She was clueless on where she was, what she was doing and what happened at the bar. Did I get sick? I faintly remember being sick?
The cab driver pulled up aside of my sister’s apartment. Not knowing where her money, wallet or credit cards were, she apologized to the cab driver that she couldn’t pay. The cab driver started screaming and yelling at her, scolding her for puking in the car and not paying for the ride.
“Get the hell out of my cab.”

The next morning, she still had no memory of her night. She tried back tracking but realized 2 beers shouldn’t have done this. She called her friend from the bar and asked her for the dets. Awkward, embarrassed and disgusted, they came to a decision that she most likely was roofied.
Surrounded by her friends, in a public bar setting, leaving the drink by the bar… how could this happen?
What Are Date Rape Drugs?
Date rape drugs are flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), or ketamine. It can come in solid, liquid or powder and affects the user fairly fast. It’s mostly used to sexually assault or rape (although my sister’s story thankfully did not go that way).
It’s a highly dangerous drug that makes you become weak, confused, and forgetful. Roofie, liquid ecstasy or Special K are terms that mean date rape drugs. They are mainly found at bars or college parties.
The effects of Rohypnol can occur within 30 minutes of being drugged and can last for several hours. You could start acting like an average drunk person, with slurred speech or trouble standing. More side effects include
The effects of GHB can occur within 15 minutes of being drugged and can last for 3-4 hours. A small dosage could have a big effect, and the drug is usually made from people in home or street “labs”. Some side effects include
The effects of Ketamine is very fast. It causes memory problems and you might be aware of what’s happening, but you’re unable to move. You also might not remember what happened. More side effects include
- loss of muscle control
- difficulty motor movements
- feeling drunk
- problems talking
- nausea
- loss of consciousness
- confusion
- problems seeing
- dizziness
- sleepiness
- lower blood pressure
- stomach problems
- death
- relaxation
- drowsiness
- dizziness
- problems seeing
- nausea
- loss of consciousness
- seizures
- memory loss
- problems breathing
- tremors
- sweating
- vomiting
- slow heart rate
- dream-like feeling
- distorted perceptions of sight and sound
- lost sense of time and identity
- dream-like feeling
- impaired motor function
- problems breathing
- convulsions
- vomiting
- memory problems
- numbness
- depression
- slurred speech
“Republican Tom Lackey introduced a bill in the California state assembly that would make possession of GHB, along with Rohypnol and ketamine a felony…”
Can Date Rape Drugs Be Taken Recreationally?
Yes. People take these drugs because they are cheaper than most drugs out there. That’s also a reason people tend to drug others with these club drugs. You can get GHB for $5 to $10 per dose. It’s usually unknown how strong the dosage is, so it’s also fairly common for people to overdose.
Rohypnol, on the other hand, can be sold for .50 to $5 a piece. It’s available in more than 60 countries and is used for preoperative anesthesia, sedation and treating insomnia. Depending on the dosage, it can reduce anxiety or you can lose consciousness.
Ketamine is a little harder to find. In clubs, it’s usually dried to a powder and smoked in a mixture of marijuana or tobacco. It’s also taken in “trail mixes” of methamphetamine, cocaine, sildenafil citrate, or heroin. Chronic users of ketamine become addicted and exhibit severe withdrawal symptoms.
Ketamine Addiction
Ketamine (K, Special K, or Vitamin K) is a dissociative anesthetic drug. It provides the feeling of detachment from one’s body and is common at clubs, parties, bars or festivals. It comes in white powder, liquid, or pills and gives you a powerful kick once consumed. Hallucinations, temporary paralysis, or the circumstance of choking and potentially dying from aspiration are all effects. Mixing ketamine with any other drugs can danger respiratory depression which can also be deadly.
So, Why Do People Use It?
People use ketamine the same reason people use other drugs. To experience a high, to forget about their problems, to take risks and do it for the heck of it. People with ketamine addiction have a hard time quitting, and experience severe withdrawal symptoms. If you’re trying to detox off of ketamine, it’s strongly encouraged to go to a medical detox so you can be treated professionally.
Get Help Today
Date rape drugs are dangerous. Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. You’re not alone. Speak up and seek help. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.
If you or someone you know is is struggling with addiction, New Start can help. Please call us at 855-737-7363 for a confidential assessment.