It doesn’t take a lot to understand why aftercare is extremely important in recovery. Many people who have struggled or currently struggling may believe they can never be “fixed”. They will always end up relapsing, giving into peer pressure and staying in their own roots. The thing is, no one is ever “fixed” in addiction recovery. We’re not trying to fix you, we know it doesn’t work that way. But we can help you, give you coping skills, offer professional help and strong recovery tips. You can recover from addiction. There will never be a valid excuse for you not seeking treatment or thinking it will never work for you. Recovery works if you make it work and recovery works if you want it to work. Recovery is possible.

The Process of Recovery
If you’ve been through treatment before, you know the whole shebang. At New Start, you go through 7-9 days of detox, and when we clearly see you’re comfortable without our detox medication, you can begin with residential or IOP.
Some people think they just need detox and they won’t use anymore. While this paints a great picture in our minds, that’s usually not the case. Most people with an addiction problem need ongoing treatment and help. That’s part of the reason aftercare is strongly encouraged in recovery.
After your time through residential or IOP, you have the decision to live in a Sober Living home or find another secure place to stay. (At New Start, we offer detox, residential, IOP, Sober Living, and meetings).
Aftercare Recovery
After graduating the recovery programs you attended, you’re now adjusting to living on your own. Some people might find this part stressful, others might be excited and ready. This is usually a few months after your first admit to detox, sometimes even longer.
It’s important to understand your recovery is for the rest of your life. You can’t be sober and not work your recovery. It requires a lot of dedication, prayers, meetings, and strength. At New Start, we discuss aftercare and recovery very frequently so you’re ready for the next steps.

Are A.A Meetings Helpful?
A.A meetings are super helpful in recovery. There are many myths and assumptions, but in all honesty, they are very rewarding and resourceful. There are people who attend meetings multiple times a week, once a week, once a month, or a few times throughout the year. Whatever the case may be, attend as many as you please. They are a great way to meet friends in the sober community and gain strength and encouragement. If you’ve never attended an A.A meeting, it can be overwhelming at first. But if you have a friend or a family member, it can be a lot easier.
Recovery is an Ongoing Thing
Recovery is full-time. But, instead of thinking “Oh my God, I’ll never be able to drink again… My birthday, New Year’s Eve, my wedding…”, just take it day by day instead. Think “Today, I am choosing to be sober.”. If you go day by day, it will be easier to comprehend on certain occasions that you’re in recovery and no, you can’t drink to celebrate. You’re living your fullest life right now. You’re sober, present, happy and adjusting.
We Know Triggers Exist
Triggers are part of recovery. It happens to everyone. If you’re experiencing triggers, go to a meeting, talk to your sponsor or your counselor. If your triggers are happening consistently, it could be the environment you’re in. Are you living with roommates that drink or smoke? Are you around the corner of a place you used to get high at? Triggers are normal but there are coping skills and ways around it.
If you feel you’re slowly sinking, talking to someone can help tremendously. Either with a counselor every week or with your sponsor, it can change the way you see things. If you’re not happy with your living arrangements or you are constantly getting triggers where you live, try moving to a Sober Living home or find new roommates/a new place with fewer triggers.
Aftercare is Important
If you’re in recovery, you probably already know. And if you’re new to sobriety, you’ll soon find out. Aftercare is essential to recovery. You need to work the program constantly, every day. There are various amounts of meetings, fun outings and you can definitely feel comfortable in the sober community. It may take some adjusting, as this is a totally new life than what you were doing beforehand, but it’s so worth it.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please call us at 855-737-7363. We treat people every day with substance abuse with our professional case managers and counselors. We have a comfortable detox and residential program, not to mention our amazing chef as well. We’re all here for you and want to help you in recovery.