You’re in college with a research paper due in 10 hours. You stock up on energy drinks and pull an all-nighter because realistically, it’s the night before and you haven’t started the paper. Ordering 5-hour energies from your convenience store has become the norm. Your dorm mini fridge is filled and you drink one to get your mind running a little. With an open Word document on your screen, you begin writing.
Energy drinks have become very popular over the years. Instead of a cup of coffee, people will drink the various types of energy drinks. But what they may not realize is that it can lead to substance addiction. What’s a simple caffeine drink have to do with substance abuse?!
Potential Side Effects
Type 2 Diabetes
Drug Interaction
Allergic Reaction
Healthy Alternatives
Orange Juice with Salted Pretzels
Consume More Protein
Sleep More
Drink Water
Exercise Regulary
Why Energy Drinks Lead To Substance Abuse
Several studies have reported energy drinks have higher risks of cocaine, prescription drugs, and alcohol. Young adults tend to mix their energy drinks with alcohol, making it more of a risk of alcohol abuse. But those who are actively drinking energy drinks without alcohol have a similar pattern of risk.
While there are still scientific studies going on about why energy drinks can lead to substance abuse, there have been plenty of studies regarding it.
For example, at the University of Maryland, they studied nearly 1,100 college students over a 4-year period. Their study concluded that 21-year-olds who drank highly-caffeinated energy drinks had an increased chance of abusing alcohol or drugs by 25.
Do you have experience?
Do you have personal experience with energy drinks and addiction?
Everyone is different and has different experiences, but all in all, the studies from various schools have indicated that the more energy drinks you consume in your life, whether it’s regularly, occasionally or rarely, could have some effect on substance abuse when you’re older.
Research indicates that individuals who have a high frequency of energy drinks (consuming 52 or more within 1 year) were at a higher risk of alcohol dependency.
Addiction isn’t the only thing that you could risk; energy drinks also risk problems like losing sleep, headaches, other addictions, vomiting, and more. Another major risk to substance abuse, or alcohol abuse, is mixing your energy drink with liquor.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please call us at 855-737-7363. We provide detox, residential, IOP, and sober living. Call us for more information or view our detox and residential programs here.