Therapy is an important part of recovery. Whether you’re in early recovery or you’ve been in recovery for a while, therapy helps reduce everyday stress. But when the time comes, how do you know which therapy is right for you? What are the advantages or disadvantages of individual therapy vs. group therapy?

What is Individual Therapy?
Individual therapy is the process in which you are with a counselor one-on-one in a private setting. It’s usually in their office, where it’s comfortable and safe. The counselor is professional and is licensed to give advice to their clients, which makes it better than seeking advice from a family member or friend. Therapists are also licensed within the state and have gone to school for the subject as well. They can also be skilled in one or many areas, some might include: psychologist, social worker, counselor, psychiatrist, marriage and family counselor, etc. Sometimes there can be more than one therapist in a meeting, but usually, it’s just one.
What is Group Therapy?
Group therapy tends to be more active because there is a group of clients instead of just one. It allows for better communication and coping skills through the peers in the group. It’s also great because you can hear what your peers have to say, and gain some hope from their stories. It’s a safe and inviting environment with a professional and licensed therapist, just like individual therapy. There are family therapy sessions, open therapy and individual therapy. Sometimes, though, in individual therapy sessions, you are allowed to bring your S.O or children for a better understanding.
Individual Therapy vs. Group Therapy
Pros and Cons of Individual Therapy
✔ One-on-one sessions.
✔ Personalized therapy.
✔ More personal and emotional.
✔ Gain perspective, strength & goals.
✘ Could be expensive/insurance might not cover it
✘ Secrets can be told.
✘ Long time to fully help.
Pros and Cons of Group Therapy
✔ Supported by other peers in the same situation as you.
✔ Hearing other peers stories.
✔ Learning better communication and perspectives.
✔ More comfortable; not just you talking.
✘ Don’t get one-on-one time.
✘ Unfocused and impersonal
✘ Ineffective for people with social phobia

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, New Start wants to help. Call us at 855-737-7363 for a free and confidential assessment or live chat with us on this page. We will direct you to a safe program. Your disease doesn’t have to define you. Let’s put an end to it. Claim your recovery.