In a day and age where we have the ability to track statistics and facts, it is particularly important to be able to gather facts…
Withdrawal from alcohol can look different depending on amount consumed, time span of drinking, physical dependence/addiction, and cold turkey vs. tapering. The following symptoms may…
Making the decision to go to detox and get help is a very courageous decision. It can be a bit overwhelming as you embark on…
Most alcoholics and addicts, before entering recovery treatment, have common behavioral tendencies; wallowing in self-pity is high on the list. They may be blissfully unaware…
One of the primary ways in which our culture contributes to the problem of addiction is in the media’s portrayal of alcohol and drugs. This…
All alcoholics and drug addicts live in a state of denial, as do their families. Denial is the No. 1 symptom of addiction. High-functioning alcoholics,…
The term “dry drunk” applies to a person who has stopped drinking alcohol but who is still engaged in destructive behaviors similar to those of…
There are a number of quizzes and lists that can help you determine whether you have a drinking problem. The National Council on Alcoholism and…
While many states in the nation deal with the growing heroin epidemic, Ohio has taken a significant hit. From the start of 2014 through October,…
While the use of opiates can be an effective means of pain relief, users should beware. Opiates are highly addictive, and recovery from opiate addiction…