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Trusted Substance Abuse Sources to Help You Understand Addiction

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Trusted Substance Abuse Sources to Help You Understand Addiction

Trusted Substance Abuse Sources Aren’t Hard to FindThere are in-depth clinical descriptions of addiction that you can read anywhere on the web. But there’s more to the disease than the scientific definition, such as the human side. Addiction is affecting your life right now and you may feel stuck in substance abuse. But with help and guidance from substance abuse sources you can trust, you can free yourself from addiction.

Trusted Substance Abuse Sources Aren’t Hard to Find

You likely feel very alone in your disease, as most people ready to enter recovery are isolated and starting to feel desperate. This is part of the normal progression through addiction. It’s a time when you need to make decisions that can help you achieve a successful recovery. But where can you turn for help? Who are trusted substance abuse sources?

A detox center is your first step into recovery. There, you start gaining the help you need. While you may think you have no one around you, some of the best substance abuse sources of support are to be found in detox.

Other sources of support will enter your life in rehab. As you progress through these phases of early recovery, you will start finding more supportive people along the way, all ready to help you in your journey to wellness.

Who Will Become Your Most Trusted Substance Abuse Sources in Recovery

Many patients of addiction treatment are surprised how many people truly want to be part of their lives, as they reach for healthier goals. Some of those people you will find along the way include:

  • Addiction treatment specialists
  • Your family and friends
  • Peers in recovery
  • Counselors in detox and rehab
  • Medical professionals
  • Support group members
  • Sponsors
  • Members of your community
  • People you thought you’d lost along the way
  • Clergy

In Detox, the Circle of Support Begins to Form

As you get ready to enter detox, your family or other loved ones may start warming back up to you. Professional detox is your chance to prove to them that you’re serious this time about getting better.

At New Start Detox in Orange County, customized treatment plans are developed with you by your addiction specialist. In this treatment plan, you will be able to start addressing the isolation you may feel now with a supportive one-on-one counselor by your side. All of the staff of New Start Detox understand your journey and are ready to welcome you in comfort and security for a stress-free transition into sobriety.

When you’re ready for your sources of support to start joining you on your path to a better life, it’s time to call New Start Detox in Santa Ana or Tustin at 855-737-7363. Don’t wait to call, as your biggest advocates are waiting.

Posted in Addiction, Drug Addiction, For Loved Ones