We live in a time where it’s not unusual to walk through a skittles scented cloud (or some other ridiculously creative flavor) while out at…
Do All Alcoholics Have Domestic Abuse Issues? Not entirely… Not all alcoholics are physically and emotionally abusive, and not all abusive people are alcoholics. It’s…
Ask any mother what the best day of her life was and she will most like answer, “the day my child was born.” She created…
Have you ever noticed how taking a walk in a garden or camping under the trees makes you feel more calm and peaceful? Or maybe…
Addiction is the feeling that sobriety is inadequate and upon being given a taste of adequacy, not wanting to ever let it go again. There’s…
Now put your hands up Oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh Oh, sorry. Where were we? Oh,…
The money you use for drugs and alcohol could easily function as a down payment on a house instead. It’s crazy to think about how much…
Cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, a racing heart, insomnia, depression. This sounds like a nightmare. It’s something that the victim in an 80’s slasher horror movie…
Telephone phobia . . . is that a real thing? According to Psychology Today the fear of making phone calls and talking on the phone…
There are few drugs more misunderstood than heroin. We can largely thank the shock-and-awe tactics of movies and television for that. While most of the…