We’ve all heard the “just say no” chorus since Nixon declared drug use to be America’s public enemy #1 in 1971. But until quite recently,…
Recently, The Center for Disease Control reported that new cases of hepatitis C rose almost 300% in the short span of five years (2010-2015). That…
There are several reasons why athletes rely on medications, steroids or other substances in order to keep playing. To be the best, they have to…
Your Legal Court Case DID YOU KNOW: There are more than 3,000 drug courts in the U.S, all which help those who struggle with substance…
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato It’s always sad hearing…
The ever-shifting definition of “narcotic” defies simple explanation. It’s tempting to slap on a cold, clinical answer like, “Narcotics bind to opioid receptors” and declare…
When we see yet another #MeToo headline rush past the floodgates, it’s tempting to speculate, “We are living in crazy times. Why is all this…
Veteran’s Day is here and it’s important to recognize the individuals who fought for our country. But what exactly are we recognizing? We can say…
I could start a rumor and say Blake Lively had an addiction problem which is why she doesn’t drink and you’d probably believe me. Addiction…
You go to an AA meeting and you hear everyone around you introduce themselves as addicts. “Hi, I’m Danny and I’m an alcoholic.” As you’re…